
/WeB devELopEr/

a web developer based in Iloilo, Philippines. My expertise lies in crafting top-notch, high-quality websites and applications.

“coding, coffee and basketball.”


Am I the only one who thinks introductions are awkward? Anyways, Kamusta? I’m Kingj Maningo, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the internet.  Since 2017, I’ve been deeply immersed in the world of web development. I believe in transparency, so if you throw a question my way and I don’t have an immediate answer, I won’t pretend otherwise. Instead, I’ll let you know that I don’t have the answer at hand. But here’s the exciting part—I’m determined to find that answer, and I’m confident that I’ll succeed. That’s the kind of commitment I bring to the table. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together!
I prefer to keep learning, as we all know technology continues to evolve. I’m quietly confident, always curious, and always hungry for knowledge. I somewhat hate studying but I love learning, coding is cool but what really gets me going is that awesome feeling when something I make actually work. Outside of all that tech stuff, I enjoy hanging out with friends and shooting hoops on the basketball court. But, with the whole pandemic thing going on, I’ve found a chill spot on my balcony. I just kick back, listen to music or some podcasts, and sometimes flip through self-help books to keep myself pumped up. Oh, and to keep the body moving, I’m into cycling around the city. Simple joys, you know?

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with


I don’t roll with a big developer squad for the heavy-duty projects. I stick to the small and mid-sized websites since I’m flying solo as a programmer. But don’t get me wrong, small business websites ain’t just your basic brochures or blogs. Back when I was in web development agencies, I got my hands dirty building all sorts of fancy, custom websites that brought in some serious cash for small businesses.

Web development

I’m all about server-side programming and crafting databases. My goal? Whip up responsive websites that play nice on any gadget you throw at them. And to keep things smooth, I make sure to hook your site up to a user-friendly content management system.

Optimisation and Security

I take security seriously, following the latest coding standards to keep things tight. Plus, I make sure your site is buddies with search engines. And as a bonus, I put in the effort to make sure your website runs like a charm on every kind of device out there.


Doctor-Patient system

I put together a straightforward online appointment system for doctors. It keeps track of patient info and handles the whole process from setting up appointments to check-out. Everything’s covered, from patient check-in and exams to jotting down notes, with an option to reschedule if needed.

WordPress plugins

I’ve been around the block, working with various companies where we cooked up all kinds of fancy website applications for businesses, big and small. While we were busy creating WordPress sites for clients, I took it up a notch and turned some of the intricate theme tweaks into plugins – partly for the fun of it, partly to spice up my personal projects. It just makes life easier when I want to recycle some code I’ve tossed into a child theme, whether it’s for a different theme or a whole new website.
Book Post Lite
The Book Post Lite plugin lets users hop onto a specific post or service list. Plus, it flaunts the dates when your posts or services are up for grabs right on your booking calendar.
Admin-user DM
The Admin-User DM plugin lets the boss (that’s the admin) shoot direct messages to users. Each user gets their own inbox to catch all those important admin messages.
Filter Allergens
The Filter Allergens plugin whips up a Menu custom post type. Just toss in the allergens you’ve set up using tags, and bam, you can showcase it all on a page.


These are simply my go-to codes that I’ve crafted to save myself some time. I just needed a quick and easy spot to access these specific codes. I get it, there are plenty of other reference platforms out there, but these snippets are my trusted ones, the ones I feel comfy using.
Also, I wanted to document my learning journey, and it had to be somewhere accessible from anywhere, not limited to a specific device or place. Not just on my home or work computer. I’m targeting a pretty niche audience here—just me, lol. But hey, you never know, these bits might come in handy for you too. Take a peek!
Kingj Maningo blessed

Thanks for taking the time to reach out. How can I help you?